Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thank you for loving Tyler.

So, yesterday was CRAZY BUSY!
Up at 6 am,
drop Tyler off with Mom at 6:30 am,
Run with the "Mothers" at 7 am,
Finish my five mile run at ....(well, that doesn't matter),
photo shoot with an old friend at a local park at 10 am,
Tyler's friend's birthday party at 11:30 am (which we missed)
Finish preparing cupcakes for a fundraiser at 12:30 pm,
shower, laundry, clean house, etc.
before we head to a birthday party
for my client's daughter
who was celebrating her first birthday
at 4:00 pm.
Get together with girlfriends to make preparations for
one of their weddings coming up in October at 6:00 pm.
(Bloody Mary at 7:00pm...shhhhhh)
Left her house at 9:00 pm
Bath for T at 9:30 pm
In bed, both of us, at 10 pm.

Ok, so I am exhausted just thinking about yesterday.
However, let me back up.
Because in the midst of my craziness,
There was a moment that made me pause.
And pause long. And think hard. And count my blessings.
See the part where I said
I went to a birthday party for my client's daughter's first birthday???
Yes. You read that right. No one showed up to celebrate the first year of this beautiful little girl except Tyler and I.
As busy as my day was, and as tired as I was, and as much as I lacked the energy to go to that party...
I went. And when I realized that I was the only one coming, I was forced to stop.
And take a moment.
And thank God.
I thanked God for putting people in my son's life who love him.
Every day, without a doubt, my son is loved. By a TON of amazing people.
And, on his first birthday, my mother's house was
Jam Packed....
With people who loved him...People who still do.
Thank you, Dear God, my family, and my friends, for wrapping your arms around my child, even when you are tired, even in the midst of all your responsibilities,
and even when you have your own family to love.
Thank you for loving Tyler.

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